2 Storm Salutations for Hurricane Irene - to send her away!

Danger! Addictive substance!
With Hurricane Irene threatening to take a bite out of the Big Apple this Sunday, everyone's battening down hatches, stocking up on water, candles, batteries and favorite addictions - in my case, Trader Joe's Potato Trio chips (no salt, tons of fat) and a case of Chocolate Fudge Orgain (guilt free chocolate shake). And we're locking our doors, putting cling wrap around the edges and not going OUT. Some are even starting as early as Saturday. So how do you get your yoga fix when the route to your favorite studio is knee deep in water? Get out your mat, push back the furniture and do a couple of Storm Salutations for Hurricane Irene. They are basically Sun Salutations, but you stay super low so the eye of the storm somehow misses you. Storm Salutation A: A smooth tumble from Downdog to Plow. You roll out of storm's danger like a tumbleweed! Start cross legged, hands on knees. Inhale - roll forward onto hands and knees...